The Best Job in the World. A Nanny.

A post by Nanny

Well it’s been a month of me (Munchkin’s Nanny) looking after munchkin. I am only doing one day a week as amazingly I seem to have become very busy since I retired! I worked for the NHS for 40 years but decided last spring that I had had enough. I lost a large percentage of my pension, to retire 7 years early, but decided that to leave the stress behind was worth it. I finished work early November, but was not needed by my son and daughter-in-law, to look after the Munchkin, until January.

Me and the Munchkin on his first birthday

My husband and I have joined the gym and are going twice a week religiously. Yes, we need to lose weight and get fitter, but we need to keep busy and have new interests. I will venture into the yoga and aqua fit classes at some point, but swimming and the treadmill have been my first priorities.

My dad has also been quite poorly, so I now have some planned time to help my parents, as well as the frequent GP, clinic, optician appointments that are needed. How did I have time to work..!

Back to the Munchkin!! My heart literally leaps to see that fluffy little head and sleepy eyes when he wakes up in the morning. There is the routine of meals, bottles and naps but in between we read books, play and create a mess. He can be so funny with his little ways, clapping and dancing to the music, well rocking on his bottom!

Yes, it is long day as mainly 10-11 hours, but well worth it. We were going for walks the last few weeks, but it’s felt a little cold, for me not him, with not much to see. We’ve now found a local music and play group for two hours in the morning.

Do I have any regrets? Absolutely not. As I said, It’s the best job in the world.

Thanks for reading,


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