If Only I Knew

If only I knew, what this be job would be,

Call it carer, childminder or just Nanny

An early start, always mindful, it can be quite a long day

But payed in kisses and cuddles, the very best way.

You hear people say, it’s the best job in the world

Their smiling happy faces, do prove this

Knowing, they know, you will always love them

When you hand them back with a wave and a kiss.

If only I knew, what I would feel, to see that little face

Such an overwhelming desire to hold and treasure

The feeling of love was just so strong

This little bundle could do no wrong.

So he grows and explores and is always changing

He smiles and talks and is so entertaining

If only I knew what becoming a Nan would be

The highlight of an already wonderful life for me.

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