Recycle more with Terracycle

If, like me, you want to reduce the amount of plastics that end up in landfill you’ll be interested in Terracycle.

Terracycle is a company with three streams of recycling. There’s only one relevant to me, which this post is about, which is the free recycling.

The free recycling programmes are funded by conscientious companies and are then supplemented by a network of local people and companies. For example, I found a collector on a walk with the Munchkin the other day. They had an extra bin in their garden ready to collect for multiple schemes.

The schemes/collections take all the recycables you cant put in your local waste recycling bin. For example:

  • Crisp, nut and popcorn packaging
  • Chocolate wrappers, multipack packaging
  • Washing tab packets
  • Bread bags
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes
  • Air fresheners
  • Face wipe, soap dispenser nozzles, make up and cream tubs
  • Pet food pouches
  • Tassimo pods, pod packaging, coffee refill pouches
  • Ella’s kitchen packaging
  • And many many more…….

How do I start? A walk-through

Find the list of free collection programmes here:

Find a programme that recycles what your waste. For example, if you want to recycle crisp packets youd find multiple schemes:

Scroll down and check the ‘Accepted waste’ section to check that that scheme collects the waste you generate. For example ‘The KP Snacks® Nuts, Popcorn, Crisps and Pretzels Packet Recycling Programme’ takes all brands of crisp, popcorn, nut and pretzel packs.

Check the best practices section below to know how they want the recyclables then scroll back up and check the locations by clicking here:

Drop off locations list.

Find a collector, collect and deliver. Its as simple as that. Find a collector that is collecting for all the scheme of waste you generate and boom!, its just one extra trip each time you want to empty your collections.

Here is my ultra glamorous collection area at my home. When these boxes are full ill pop down to the road, empty and begin collecting again.

My current collection set up. I intend to get some proper bins soon!

There are collection points everywhere. Here is the map for England for the KP nuts scheme:

There’s more goodness…?

Yep. Not only will you be saving the planet but Terracycle also give Terracycle points to collectors which can be redeemed for ‘ charitable gifts, TerraCycle products, or a donation to a school or non-profit of your choice’.

Its a win win win scheme. Less waste, less plastic going to landfill, more money going to charities and schools and consequently more happy people.

If you have any questions, visit my contact page.

Here is the link again. Recycle more!

Thanks for reading,

Daddy and Munchkin.

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